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L-dopa Benefit of Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna has been long used as an aphrodisiac. And it is still used to increase and support libido in both men and women. But its another healing peculiarity now is very popular in use as it gives promising and effective results in treating parkinsonism and other diseases.

Biological Description

Scientific name of the Mucuna Pruriens is Dolichos pruriens. It an annual, climbing shrub with long vines that can reach over 15 m(generally from 3 to 18 m), a tropical bean that is known by different other names: Velvet Bean (Bengal bean, Mauritius bean, Itchy bean, Buffalo bean), Cowhage, Cowitch, Cow-Itch, Nescafe, Sea Bean, Kapikachu, Kratzbohnen, Konch, Fava-Coceira, and Yoruba. It also has such biological names as Mucuna aterrima, M. Cyanosperma,Carpopogon pruriens, Stizolobium pruriens,Negretia pruriensand many others.

The plan belongs to the Fabaceae Family. Mucuna has trifoliate leaves that are gray-silky beneath, dark purple (or white, lavender)flowers (6 to 30) that hang in long clusters.The plant also produces clusters of pods that are covered in loose reddish-orange hairs. These pods cause a severe itch if they come in contact with skin as the hairs lining the pods contain serotonin and are very dangerous.

contain seeds known as mucuna beans. Pots contain seeds known as mucuna beans (or velvet beans), they are shiny black or brown. The species name „pruriens” has a Latin origin and means ‘itching sensation’ due to the harmful experience of contacting with the seed pod hairs. In Africa these seeds are even used to murder people by sprinkling them on to the food of the unsuspeting victim. The innocent victim would die as the sharp hair slice intothe stomach and the intestinal lining and cause internal bleeding.


Mucuna is generally found in tropical Africa, India, and the West Indies. In West Arica there are lots of areas with adequate rainfall and solar radiation, but some soils are relatively infertile, fertilizer use is low, and the soil is easily degraded under intensified agriculture. Mucuna is very often used in order torestore soil fertility and reduce weed infestation.

Parts Used

In folk medicine seeds are used for treating different diseases and conditions.


Mucuna beans have been wining its popularity over the last few years in the natural products marketmainly because of the sport industry, though it has plenty of health benefits.

As Mucuna is proved to increase testosterone and stimulate growth hormone – it makes it rather desirable for men in sport as it increases muscle mass. Various products (as powders, tinctures, extracts and decoctions) help to gain weight loss, improve memory, increase libido an for visual enhancement.

Be careful with the dosage. It is better to proceed with caution when taking mucuna and to follow the label instructions. Mucuna Pruriens is a powerful plant with many biological actions.

Mucuna beans have long been used as a coffee substitute (roasted and ground) in Central America, Brazil and other countries. This is the reason Mucuna has one of its names – Nescafé.


The seeds of velvet bean are high in protein (20-29 %), lipids (6-7%), dietary fiber (8-10%), ash (3%),carbohydrates (50-60%) and minerals. Also they are extremely rich in alkaloids, saponins, and sterols. Mucuna seeds (as well as the seeds of all Mucuna species) contain high concentration of L-dopa (7-10%) – a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The hairs of the seed pots contain the phytochemical mucunain, the very constituent that irritates the skin when in contact. The serotonin is also has been found in the pod (as well as in the leaf and fruit).

Main actions of the plant are following:

  • is L-Dopa alternative – anti-Parkinson’s,increases testosterone
  • aphrodisiac – increases libido and is good for impotency and erectile dysfunction
  • as a muscle builder and is used to stimulate growth of hormone – anabolic/androgenic
  • reduces spasms and relieves pain – analgesic/ antispasmodic
  • lowers blood sugar and blood pressure (hypotensive)
  • increases urination (uterine stimulant),reduces fever (febrifuge) and is a good cough suppressant
  • calms nerves (nervine), reduces nerve pain (neurasthenic)
  • lowers cholesterol (hypocholesterolemic)
  • it is a weight loss aid
  • reduces inflammation – anti-inflammatory

Other important Mucuna properties:

  • prevents or eliminates kidney stones (antilithic)
  • kills parasites (antiparasitic) and expels worms (vermifuge)
  • expels gas (carminative)
  • it is a menstrual stimulant
  • it is a central nervous system stimulant

Health Benefits

Due to mucuna’s dopamine inducing properties is has been long used (and is still used) to enhance sexual desire in both men and women. High levels of L-dopa in Mucuna beans (and the dopamine that is converted from it) stimulate the release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. L-dopa and dopamine are also effective inhibitors of prolactin – a hormone released by the pituitary gland. Increased levels of prolactin are considered to cause erection failure in males. According to the studies on men oral intake of the seeds promotes fertility and sperm production, and also improves erection, duration of coitus, and post-coital satisfaction after only four weeks of treatment.

For years it has been used in folk medicine for treating diarrhea, impotence, intestinal gas, worms, rheumatic disorders, tuberculosis, cough, sterility, muscular pain, menstrual disorders, diabetes, and even snakebites. These all issues has been proven by animal studies.

The main constituent is levadopa (L-dopa) that is a natural dopamine. Notwithstanding the fact, that in long term the treatment is not studied, still the ingredient (in large doses) has shown its effectiveness in treating Parkinsonism (Parkinson’s disease). It is still the issue for the future researches, what to do in long-term treatment process (as L-dopa seems to lose its effectiveness over the long term) and where L-dopa is toxic to dopamine neurons.

Parkinson’s disease is a common age-related neurodegenerative disorder that affect more and more peopleworldwide (more than 4 million). It is associated with progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in specific areas in the brain. Dopamine does not cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore cannot be used directly as a treatment. However, L-dopa (levodopa) as a natural dopamine gainsaccess to the brain-where it is converted to dopamine (in rats studies). Dopamine is a very important brain chemical that is involved in mood, sexuality, and movement.

Mucuna beans are now considered to be an alternative to the pharmaceutical medication levodopa. In several human studies Mucuna beans were given instead of the pharmaceutical L-dopa medication. The result of the studies gives positive and promising result – symptoms of Parkinson’s disease were significantly reduced (such as tremors, rigidity, slurring, drooling, and balance). The studies also have proven its virtues in treating of the nervous system disorders.

Mucuna beans have appeared to reduce blood-sugar levels that make it very effective in treating diabetes. In rats studies it gave the result of 30 % reduction of blood sugar levels and more (up to 51%) at several months of treating.

Mucuna’s side effects are not fully known. Possible effect if using in high doses is increased body temperature. Do not take it during the pregnancy. The rule number one with such a herb as MucunaPruriens is to be under permanent supervising of your healthcare provider. This wonderful herb is just beginning to be evaluated in research studies, so all major conclusions are still in the future.

Coptis General Facts

Biological Description

Coptis is known as Goldthread, Yellowroot, or Coptidis in many countries. Its Latin name is Coptis chinensis, a plant from the Berberidaceae family. It is a relative of the peony.

This is a low-growing (to 20 inches high) creeping perennial herb with tiny white or green flowers and basal petiolate leaves. The flowers are gathered in the inflorescences of cymes with about 4 flowers in each. The blossoms are hermaphrodite and are pollinated by insects. The plant is characterised with many slender and thin yellow rhizomes (roots) which are used in herbalism.

Coptis is in leaf all year round. It blooms from February to March and bears fruits from April to May.


Coptis chinensis is native to the cooler parts of Asia, namely to China, where it is now extensively cultivated due to its healing powers. It grows best in damp boggy spots in woods, preferring light, slightly acidic soils and much moisture. Coptis does well in the sunny places, but it can also grow in the partial shade.

Several relatives of Coptis chinensis are found in the Himalayans in India and North America.

Parts Used

The underground rhizomes, dried and sliced, are used for centuries in the Chinese traditional medicine, occupying the leading positions among the most often used herbs. For a number of diseases Coptis is the first option to consider; thus, it is frequently prescribed by herbal healers to many patients.


Due to the popularity in its home country, Coptis now conquers other parts of the world awaking a keen interest in the Western countries among scientists, as well as among the potential users of the remedies made from this plant. Therefore, these days it can be found on the market in several forms – capsules, ointments, powders, and tinctures – in order to meet the needs of the consumers.


The root of the herb is considered a bitter cooling and drying remedy. It is capable of killing various germs and eliminating infections, having antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Its remedies are used to reduce fever, being good anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory means. They are also the option in the fight against high blood cholesterol levels.

Coptis is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders due to its abilities to work as anti-diarrheal and stomachic agent. Moreover, it has analgesic and pain-relieving properties, thus helping sooth abdominal cramps and muscle aches.

An important action of Coptis is sedating, relaxing of tension, and reducing anxiety; therefore, it is used to treat insomnia, overdrive, and irritability.

It is also said that Goldthread is an effective immune system stimulant and anti-oxidant. It can induce the production of interferon and activate the defensive powers of the body.

The main, the most valuable and beneficial component of Coptis is said to be berberine with its abilities to lower blood sugar levels, stop the replication of cancerous cells, increase the production of saliva, bile, gastric and pancreas juices, as well as kill various parasites.

Isoquiniline alkaloids and proto-berberine alkaloids (palmatine, coptisine, jatrorrhizine, epiberberine, worenine and berberastine) are also of great interest to the scientists, because working in combination in Coptis preparations they add to the effectiveness and beneficial influence of the herb on the human body.

Besides, tannins and ferulic acid may be of help in the fight against certain health conditions. Ferulic acid may serve as an antioxidant to eliminate free radicals from the body. Tannins help stop the bleeding, treat wounds, and maintain healthy digestive system.

Health Benefits

Coptis chinensis is traditionally used to alleviate diarrhea, vomiting, dysentery, painful bowel movements, blood in the stool and gallbladder disorders. Lately, it is also being prescribed by herbalists as a means to improve digestion. Since Coptis soothes nervous system, it is used to treat insomnia and irritability.

Atherosclerosis is said to be prevented due to the Goldthread power to reduce blood cholesterol level. Antioxidant and anti-cancer activities make it possible to treat different types of cancer. Some studies show that tuberculosis can be eliminated with Coptis preparations as well, although, how exactly it works to cure this condition is not yet understood.

Compresses and poultices from Coptis are used to fight skin conditions (acne, burns, boils, abscesses), while mouth washes and gargles may help in the treatment of sore throats, canker sores, swollen gums, and toothache.

Eyes conditions, as redness, inflammation, or conjunctivitis, are also relieved with Goldthread. Vaginal infections are treated with the douches made of Coptis chinensis.


The dose of this plant preparation matters a lot for those who are going to treat certain health disorders, as the influence of different doses is opposite. For example, low dose of Coptis increases blood pressure and stimulates the brain, while high one decreases blood pressure and sedates, resulting in drowsiness. Besides, large amounts may cause upset stomach.

‘Poor-Man’s Potato’ or Burdock Root as a Natural “Blood Purifier”

If you happen to go through the field in the countryside in the cotton pants or skirt you are sure to spend another half of an hour in taking prickly little balls out of your clothes. These are prickly heads of a Burdock, and the fact they are so easily catching on to your clothing is the perfect mechanism of seed dispersal, you are sure to carry them to some distance. Or do you remember how you throw at one another those heads in your childhood. Burdock is as old as Earth. No wonder this plant has been used for different purposes for centuries.

Biological Description

Official (botanical) name of the Burdock is Arctium lappa L. (Great burdock) or Fructus Arctii.

Other names are: Arctium Radix, Arctium minus, Bardana, Beggar’s Buttons, Clotbur, Gobo, Personata, Thorny Burr and others.

How it does it look? The Plant has nice wavy green leaves that are pretty long, about 45 cm when growing. The leaves are ovate and underneath they are woolly. Plant has prickly heads of purple flowers – burrs – that are catching to almost everything starting from your clothing to animals’ fur. Remember those intestinal hairballs in your dog after running through burdocks…:)


Great burdock (Arctium lappa) is native to Europe and Asia, it also is naturalized throughout North America. It is also widespread weed in New Zealand and England (though rarely in Scotland). World famous and valued by herbalists worldwide burdock has plenty of medicinal treasures. The plant is mainly cultivated for its sweet-tasting root, though other parts are also used for medical and other purposes. The plant does not need special conditions for growing; its favorite places are on waste ground and about old buildings, by roadsides and in fairly damp places.

Parts Used

As Burdock has many medicinal qualities all its parts are used in many herbal remedies: the leaves (mainly for tea), the burrs, the seed, the stem and the root.

The seeds (or flower-heads) are collected when ripe – this is during the latter part of the summer or in autumn. They are shaken out of the head and dried by spreading them out on paper in the sun. The leaves should be harvested before or during early flowering. The roots should be unearthed in September or October of the first year, or as alternative in the following spring when the flowers appear. The root is sweet to the taste and has a gummy consistency.


In what forms it is available on the market? You can find Burdock in tea, juice, powder and capsules.

Burdock root is in the following forms:

– in herbal tea (2 – 6 grams for a cup three to five times per day);

– in oil (for your hair – regularly, after washing);

– in the form of fresh or dried root (the second one – steep 2 – 6 grams in boiling water for 10 – 15 minutes and then strain and drink three times a day);

– in tincture (2 – 8 mL three times per day);

– in fluid extract ((1:1): 2 – 8 mL three times a day);

– in decoctions (liquid made by boiling down the herb in water).


Such a wide rang of useful properties are explained by the amount of treasures in Burdock root. Burdock root contains high amounts of inulin (27-45% ) and mucilage (up to 75% of the root is carbohydrate in the form of fructo-oligo-saccharides (FOS) including inulin), essential oil with 66 identified components (0.06-0.18%), vitamins (B1, B6, B12, and E), polyphenols including caffeic acid (1.9-3.65%), antibacterial polyacetylenes, sitosterol and stigmasterol, different powerful flavonoid-type antioxidants, trace minerals (phosphorous, sodium, chromium, cobalt, iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, zinc), etc.

Health Benefits

High amounts of inulin and mucilage of the root give splendid soothing effects on the gastro-intestinal tract. And inulin itself provides a helpful sugar for diabetics and hypoglycemics because it does not elicit fast insulin production; it also has the ability to slightly lower blood sugar.

Useful effect in improving digestive functions is also very popular with Burdock root due to its bitter properties.

Vitamins and minerals are irreplaceable in treating and preventing acne.

Some chemicals of the root promote the loss of water from the body, that can be a useful in treating fever and swelling, as it increases the production of both urine and sweat. No wonder it has long considered by Chinese and European herbalists to have a “lightly warming, moistening effect”. It is one of the best natural “blood purifier” in the herbal system. It is classified as an alterative, diuretic and diaphoretic. As a diuretic it clears the bloodstream of toxins (due to the above mentioned mechanism). More over, it purifies the blood without side effects. The detoxification of the body has its consequences in all the useful effects of the burdock. That is why it is so difficult to separate the benefits into plain list. It all goes like everything comes due to the ability to flush impurities from the body.

In a few studies on animals the root appeared to prevent liver damage that was caused by alcohol, medications or chemicals. It may be explained by the antioxidants in the burdock that protect body cells from damage caused by oxidation (but the exact mechanism of action is not yet known). Polyacetylenes are the traditionally known anti-microbial firs aid. Polyacetylenes inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi and this prevents the infection penetration, especially useful in skin. Also it prevents colds, flu and cystitis. Its antibacterial and antifungal effects are helpful remedies in athlete’s foot, dandruff, diaper rash, acne eczema, and others.

Burdock besides other benefits can in some way increase circulation to the skin, helping to detoxify the epidermal tissues. It is good in treating different skin conditions including psoriasis and acne.

Burdock root oil extract, also called Bur oil, when regularly used helps restore and maintain healthy scalp and hair. It also helps to improve scalp conditions and relieve scalp irritation.

But it is not all in the list of advantages of ‘Poor-man’s potato’, Beggar’s button, Bardana, Clot-bur, Gypsy rhubarb, Love leaves and Happy major (this is all the folk names of a Burdock). They (advantages) are numerous and absolutely without side effects. This massive herb is a true medicinal storehouse.

Health Benefits of Artemisia

Biological Description

Its name received from ancient goddess Artemis, Artemisia is a genus combining a variety of species (up to 400) in the Asteraceae family (daisies). They are all valued for the volatile oils and specific odor. The most common names for the herbs in this genus are mugwort (A. vulgaris), wormwood (A. capillaries and others), sagebrush (not to be confused with Salvia sages) and sagewort. The genus includes perennial herbs and shrubs, spread all over the world in temperate climates.

Artemisia vulgaris belongs to the Artemisia species that have mugwort in its name. It is called a common mugwort, and is also known as Felon herb orSt. John’s Plant. It originates from Asia, Europe and Africa. This perennial grows up to 2 meters high, has a firm root, dark-green hairy pinnate indented leaves and small flowers with multiple red or yellow petals. The flowers are arranged on capitula and bloom from July through September.

In Ukrainian language mugwort has a name chornobylnik, translated as “mugwort growth place” and it is mentioned in the Bible, as well as there’s an actual city called Chernobyl.

Artemisia capillaries (wormwood) is a perennial of about 1.20 m height, native to the wild of the East Asia. Its is woody bushy herb that has aromatic gray-green leaves and pale yellowish discoid-shaped flowers. The herb is also known as yebra lenna yesca in traditional Chinese medicine where it is valued as liver tonic and general cleanser.

Although mugwort and wormwood are close relatives within the genus, these are not identical species as it often is assumed.


In cultivation, Artemisia is tolerant to the wide variety of climatic conditions. It just requires enough sunlight during the day and well drained soil. Grown in dry soil, the plant turns out to be more aromatic and becomes hardier. Artemisia is usually propagated by seed, sown in winter or in summer, and collected in late summer. It is often found growing along the roads, in the fields and in the wild, throughout temperate zones all over the world.

Parts Used

Mugwort and wormwood leaves are usually collected in the end of the summer, and later in the autumn the root is dug and dried. Processed leaves and sweetish root extracts are used for the herbal preparations or as food seasonings. Depending on the area of collection, mugwort is believed to have different medicinal properties.


At the herbal market Artemisia is represented by herbal teas, tinctures, dried roots and leaves, and pills. Mugwort ia also used as poultice, and wormwood is processed into the essential oil. Artemisia infusions are prescribed for menstrual disorders, decoction relieves menstrual pain, and tincture is helpful in excessive bleeding.


Artemisia species are rich in volatile oil, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and coumarin. Due to their beneficial action, the plant is associated with tonic, cardiac, nervine, vasodilatory, diuretic, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Also, scientists extracted an active chemical, that they called artemisin, which has shown anti-malarial actions and thus have the potential to work as malaria remedy. In addition, plant’s activity stimulates the production of the bile in the liver.

Health Benefits

Multiple benefits of Artemisia have been for centuries known in many regions of the world.

Historically and up untill now the plant have been used for a variety of digestive tract disorders. Soothing the inflammation of intestinal tissues, herbal extracts relieve diarrhea and constipation, decrease stomach pain and cramping, and aid digestion by boosting the supply of nutrients to the cells. Artemisia bitter generally improves digestion and stimulates appetite.

Herbal preparations of the plant are considered to be the liver tonic as well. They stimulate its cleansing by enhancing the draining of waste products with the help of the improved bile secretion. Artemisia is often used in jaundice and hepatitis treatment.

Anti-bacterial properties of Artemisia are applied for treating such conditions as parasitic and bladder infections, without damaging intestinal flora. It is especially effective against threadworn and ringworm.

Being helpful in severe cases of malaria, artemisin is also effective against the river blindness – debilitating disease spread in some regions of Africa. It kills organisms causing this condition and fights its symptoms.

Both in Eastern and Western medicine Artemisia is used for the reproductive system disorders. It decreases the bleeding in a prolonged menstrual cycle, warms the womb to enhance fertility, and soothes menstrual pain.

Nervine properties of mugwort help the patients with epileptic attacks, tension, and anxiety. Its mild narcotic effects can stop hysteria and shaking, as well as enhance a good sleep in case of sleep disorders. Its appetite-stimulating action is beneficial for the patients with depression who refuse to take meals.

Applied topically, mugworts alleviates bruises, itching, carbuncles and felons. If your legs and feet are swollen and tired, or affected by gout and rheumatism, a bath with Artemisia extract will relieve the symptoms of these conditions.

Since the plants of Artemisia genus are quite toxic, an experienced herbalist should be consulted as for dosage before using it for any kind of treatments.

Scutellaria: General Info and Health Benefits in Details

Biological Description

The genus of Scutellaria includes approximately 300 species. Scutellaria baicalensis georgi from the Lamiaceae family is said to be one of the potent medicinal herbs and is thus used to treat a number of health disorders for over two thousand years.

Scutellaria baicalensis is also called Baical or Chinese Scutellaria, or Scullcap. It is a perennial herb, which grows to a height of 1-4 feet. It has four-angled stems with multiple opposite leaves. Its blue to purple flowers are characterised by the specific shape, which resembles the scull. Two petals of the flower are often called lips. The flowers, blooming in July, are situated on one side of the stem. The root of the herb is thick and branchy. It is almost skinless.


Scutellaria baicalensis is native to Eastern Asia. It grows abundantly in the regions of Lake Baical, eastern Siberia, and northern China. Most often, it is found on the open, sunny grasslands in the higher elevations. It grows well on sandy or rocky dry soils.

Parts Used

The root of Scutellaria baicalensis is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is allowed to grow for about 4 years before the root is taken. The reason is that the amount of beneficial herbal components is higher in the older plants. Roots are harvested in spring or autumn and dried.


Extracts, tablets, capsules, fluidextracts of Scutellaria baicalensis root chemicals can be found on sale these days.


Chemical composition of the plant includes flavonoids (scutellarin,baicalin, and wogonin), steroidal saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, volatile oils, iridoids and tannins, due to which the herb is widely used and is believed to have power to treat health disorders.

Scutellaria baicalensis seems to be a good antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory agent. Both topical and oral preparations serve for reducing inflammation, inhibition of angiogenesis (the growth of the new blood vessels, which occurs during the spreading of cancerous tumours), and preventing ethanol-induced hyperlipidemia and histamine release from the mast cells.

All the scientists agree that flavonoids are the main chemicals, which display beneficial effects in the human body. They are believed to possess anticancer abilities. The studies conducted by this time support this theory.

Baicalin is said to be the most powerful and promising flavonoid peculiar for this herb. It is due to its influence plant’s root is a so valuable herbal remedy against many diseases. Baicalin is believed to interfere with hormonal reactions and release of histamines and bile in the body; it stimulates gallbladder activity, inhibits inflammation, as well as suppresses the activity of leukaemia-derived T-cells and replication of viruses and bacteria.

Health Benefits

Long history of use, herbalists’ observations, and recently conducted laboratory studies on animals support the claims that Scutellaria baicalensis helps fight, lessen, or prevent such diseases as:

– cancer (the plant keeps leukaemia-derived T-cells of the human immune system in the dormant state and inhibits cancer-causing effects of fungal toxins)

– chronic fatigue syndrome (zinc found in the plant helps prevent this disease),

– anxiety and stress (Scullcap blocks overproduction of stress hormone, which is also helpful for managing headaches),

– headache and hangover (the herb prevents the inflammation of the brain cells caused by histamine release in response to high levels of alcohol in blood),

– allergies and asthma (herb’s baicalin controls hormonal reactions and histamine release upon exposure to allergy triggers),

– influenza, pneumonia, and ear infections (the process of replication and multiplying of the viruses, bacteria, and fungi is blocked by Scutellaria; it is most effective against Candida, Streptococcus group, Staphylococcus, and others),

– diabetes and atherosclerosis (bacterial infection, often linked to the development of atherosclerosis, in reduced by Scutellaria, as well as swelling of the arteries linings due to injuries),

– heart attack (the risk of heart attack is significantly reduced due to Scullcap’s cholesterol-lowering effect),

– hypertension (diuretic ability of Scutellaria helps lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels),

– high cholesterol (the stimulation of the gallbladder to produce more bile results in “washing” cholesterol off the liver into the intestines and out of the body),

– periodontal disease (Sutellaria increases the production of collagen in the gums, which helps reverse gingivitis and prevent periodontal disease).

Scutellaria baicalensis georgi is a popular remedy among herbalists and those people, who seek for diseases elimination with natural means. Hopefully, soon scientific research will provide more information on the hidden power of the herb, its benefits, and what is even more important, on its practical use, dosage, and risks.

Low Sex Drive and Herbal Remedies

Sex drive or libido is truly ‘LIFE DRIVE’ for the humanity. Men are both hands PRO this statement, women know this fact and successfully using it on ‘driving men’. Lack of sex drive is rather common in women and quite rare in men.


Sex drive is the ability or need to have sex regularly. Libido is an urge to copulate that in humans goes through sex. Low sex drive (or low libido) means lack of sexual desire.

Everyone (especially women) at least once in their lives experience that at some point. Though low sex drive should not be confused with erectile dysfunction (in men) and with inability to achieve orgasm (in women), this is not the same. Low libido is a variation of the norm, but only as a temporary experience. If the decline in sexual desire persists, it may cause problems. However, it is not always obvious even for you.


The signs of a low sex drive include:

  • Less frequent sexual thoughts and fantasies
  • Reduced sexual desire
  • Reluctance to initiate sex
  • Less frequent masturbation
  • In women – lack of desire for sex when you’ve gone without sex for days, weeks, or months
  • In men – absence of penis erection (or just hardening of penis) when stimulating and touching erogenous zones (like penis and nipples)


Causes of low sex drive can be some physical conditions or psychological problems. The most important and the most difficult step in finding the way out is to identify the reason of low libido. Only after this you can find the most effective solution and enjoy your sexual life (and desire for sexual life) again.

Physical causes include:

  • Alcoholism – Though very small doses of alcohol wash away the social wheels and reduce shyness, excessive alcohol use can greatly diminish your sex drive.
  • Some drugs – lots of medications may interfere with arousal and even the ability to achieve orgasm in men and women
  • Major diseases (diabetes, Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, cancer, arthritis, kidney disease, epilepsy, Spinal Cord Injury and Thyroid Disorders)
  • Drug abuse (such as cocaine)
  • Hyperprolactinaemia – a rare disorder where the pituitary gland produces too much of the hormone prolactin
  • Anorexia (mostly in women) or obesity (both) – anorexia is a psychological problem of woman that considers herself unattractive and sexually undesirable. Obese people may lack some important hormones for sexual desire and also feel themselves not attractive, that’s why not interested in sex. For them also is rather hard to actively perform sex.
  • Post-baby coolness. NO, this is not only women’s problem. In women it is connected with hormonal changes that occur after childbirth. They also usually are too exhausted to even think about sex. In men the problem is different. They may not want to have sex as they can not have sexual desire to a mother (because it becomes very hard to associate your own wife as a lover and not a mother after the childbirth – and who wants to have sex with mothers?)
  • Anaemia – after too heavy period (in women) or after bleeding (in men)
  • Hormone abnormalities (for example low testosterone level)

Psychological causes include:

  • Depression – when depressed you want nothing, including sex
  • Stress and overwork (also fear and anxiety in women)
  • Hang-ups from childhood
  • Past sexual abuse or rap – in women and in men is a deeply traumatic experience and may lead to fear and avoidance of sexual experiences later in life
  • Latent lesbianism or homosexuality
  • Serious relationship problems with your partner
  • Difficult living conditions – lack of money or absence of good apartment (or even separate room)

Medical Approaches

For MEN there are no medicines available that will increase male libido, there are only for successful erection – drugs for erectile dysfunction

Oral drugs

All these drugs contain different active ingredients that enhance the actions of the chemical messengers responsible for producing an erection and thus ‘produce’ the erection

  • Cialis – contains an active ingredient tadalafil (works for 36 hours after dose)
  • Levitra – contains vardenafil (works 4-5 hours)
  • Viagra – contains sildenafil (works 3-4 hours)

Penis drugs

These drugs increase blood flow into the penis and cause an erection.

  • MUSE – is administered by application into the opening at the end of the penisor used as a penis injection (30 minutes or one hour result)
  • Caverject or Viridal Duo- is administered by injection directly into the penis (into the opening at the end of the penis (urethra)) (effect lasts one hour)

What mechanical aids could be done?

  • Vacuum pump – is helps the blood be drawn more effectively into the penis
  • Construction ring – the same principle
  • Semi-rigid (or inflatable ) penile prosthesis – surgery to insert flexible rods (or two cylinders, with a pump and fluid reservoir in the scrotum) into the shaft of the penis
  • Arterial surgery – surgery to repair an injury or blockage to the arteries going to the penis

If you are a WOMAN the following drugs can be useful for you:

  • Hormones (particularly the male sex hormone testosterone) – Testosterone is one key player in your sex drive: it affects interest, arousal, sexual response, lubrication and orgasm
  • Eros or any other inexpensive suction (as well as non-suction) vibrator – it is really hard to decline the result
  • Desire cream – it contains an active ingredient that produces a tingly sensation in the clitoris
  • Erection drugs – they may have a beneficial ‘local’ effect in increasing blood flow to the vagina and clitoris (or sometimes lubrication) for a few hours

Sex therapist may also help. Talking about sex and doing your daily ‘homework’ very often helps.

Alternative Approaches

As well as with medical approaches you should consult your doctor first and try to identify the reason (the root of the problem). The following herbs can help you in increasing you sex drive:

  • Jasmine – in candles, in tea, or in oil (do a massage)
  • Geranium – candles, bath oil, incense or as a pillow linen spray – it stimulates adrenalins in the body which in turn stimulate the libdo
  • Cardamom – increases energy, relieves fatigue and helps with depression
  • Grapefruit – nice aphrodisiac
  • Clove – also an aphrodisiac that somehow heats up the body
  • Fenugreek (mainly for women) – has an estrogenic effect, increases libido and minimizes vaginal dryness
  • Tribulus Terrestris – contains an active ingredient steroidal saponins (also including furostanol glycosides and spirostanol glycosides), used for infertility, low libido erectile dysfunction and to icrease stamina and improve sports performance. It boosts testosterone and increase libido and staimina
  • Ashwagandha root (Indian Winter Cherry) – enhances libido
  • Catuba bark – is considered to have aphrodisiac properties; and is used for nervousness, poor memory, and helping with sexual weakness
  • Mucuna Pruriens – besides antioxidant properties it contains L-Dopa which is used by the body to make dopamine, an important brain chemical involved in mood and sexuality
  • Yohimbe bark – supports of erectile function in men and provides sensation and engorgement of genital organs in women
  • Marapama bark (and root) – used for the treatment of low libido, fatigue, neuromuscular problems, and rheumatism
  • Pine Nuts – maintain male potency (as contains plenty of zinc)
  • Rhizome root – influences sexual activity and in turn helps with increasing libido levels
  • Fennel – contains an estrogen-like substance (estirol) that turns out libido
  • Hawthorn – improves circulation to extremities (genitalia as well) and promotes movement of hormones in blood

Some kind of food also arouses your sexual desire. Ginger can sharpen your mind so you can focus on making love. Garlic enhances sex drive to enormous level (but don’t forget to eat it both). Different spicy foods heat up the desires; and of course – chocolate – gives plenty of pleasure (sex is not now necessary for some women) as it releases in the brain positive emotions such as falling in love and increases feeling of happiness.

Don’t forget about useful sex exercise both for men and women – Kegal exercises that enhances sexual gratification, spend more time on foreplay before sex and remember – sex is not an intercourse, this is the ‘intimacy’ between the couple: touching, kissing, holding and other ‘petting-like’ things.

Gallstones and Herbal Remedies


Gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located below the liver on the right upper abdomen. This organ is sort of storing place that contains bile – the liquid which helps body in digesting fats. When the bile is needed for digestion, gallbladder pushes is into a tube that carries it further to aid digestion in the intestine.

Bile consists of number of substances among which are water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts, proteins and bilirubin. The bile salts, for example, are responsible for breaking up fats, while bilirubin (a waste product) gives stool a yellowish-brown color. If too much salts, cholesterol or bilirubin is accumulated in the bile, it leads to the formation of gallstones. These pebble-like substances are nothing but liquids hardened into stone-like substances that can block the normal flow of bile.

Typically, there are two kinds of gallstones classified according to the substance they are formed of. Cholesterol stones are made of corresponding substance and are usually yellow-green. This type of gallstones is more frequently diagnosed than the second one – pigment stones. These are small stones made of bilirubin and they are usually dark.

The stones of both types vary in sizes and shapes and can be several millimeter in diameter or reach the size of an egg. The combination of stones in a gallbladder is also a frequently occurring phenomenon. If not paid attention to, gallstones can provoke inflammation of pancreas, liver and gallbladder.


As described above, gallstones form out of hardened substances in the bile that is chemically unbalanced. The formation of cholesterol stones is often triggered by the incomplete or not full release of bile and the pigment stones tend to develop as a result of liver cirrhosis, hereditary blood conditions or biliary tract infections.

Some other factors that contribute to the gallstones formation include hormonal misbalance that leads to increased production of cholesterol in bile, obesity, diet high in fat and cholesterol and low in fiber, diabetes and family history of the gallstones. Cholesterol-lowering drugs also have controversial action – while they decrease the blood cholesterol levels, they actually increase the concentration of cholesterol in bile.


Usually gallstones move into the bile ducts and create blockage, increase pressure in the gallbladder and provoke occurring of the symptoms that notify the patient of the disorder. Some people may not have symptoms at all and doctors call this kind of stones “silent stones”. They do not require any medical attention.

Once stones reach certain size, usually around 8 mm, they cause gallbladder “attacks” called so due to the sudden outbreak. The symptoms include pain in the right upper abdomen that can last up to several hours, pain in the back between the shoulder blades and even pain in the right shoulder.

These attacks usually pass after the gallstone moves further, but the gallbladder can become infected. The worsening of the condition is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, fever, yellowish color of the skin, and clay-colored stools. These should be a sign to immediately seek for medical assistance.

Traditional Treatment

To alleviate the abdominal pain at the start of an attack drinking a full glass of water may be helpful since it will regulate the bile in the gallbladder. If this doesn’t help, it is recommended to take magnesium followed by any bitter liquid (coffee or Swedish bitters) an hour after, it is proved that bitter flavors stimulate bile flow.

Traditional medicinal approaches to treating gallstones include a variety of surgical operations. Open cholecystectomy is a traditional procedure of stones removal. This procedure has been used for over 100 years now and is quite safe and easy. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a relatively new technique. A tiny video camera is inserted through several incisions in the abdomen and the gallstone is removed with little pain and easy post-healing.

Non-surgical procedures are used when a patient cannot have a surgery due to other medical condition preventing it. The methods include oral dissolution therapy (drugs containing bile acid for dissolving the stones) and contact dissolution therapy (injecting a drug directly to gallbladder to act locally).

Alternative Treatment

To handle gallstones herbalists has a lot to offer too. One of the best remedies for promoting the flow of the bile is barberry bark. Barberine, the major chemical of this herb, activates the white blood cells that inhibit harmful microelements. Barberry is both effective for gallbladder inflammation and gallstones.

Ginger root enhances cholesterol absorption and stimulates the production of bile acids to cleanse the gallbladder and liver. Also, hot compresses made with ginger tea relieve pain of gallbladder attacks.

Peppermint leaf(as well as other mints) is proved by clinical trials to dissolve gallstones. The herb aids in reducing the gallstones’ size and in this way many patients may avoid surgery.

Turmeric is beneficial for both treating and preventing gallstones. The action of curcumin in the herb is able to drop the volume of the stone up to 45 percent within five weeks. This chemical increases the solubility of the bile and aids digestion in general.

Gold coin grass (chin-chien tsao) is effective against gallstones and also the urinary tract stones. It is able to relieve fever and other related symptoms of inflammation.

Known for the rich content of the compound silymarin, milk thistle is used for liver protection. As studies have shown, silymarin also increases bile solubility, thus preventing or alleviating gallstones.

Fennel and its Herbal Properties

Biological Description

Fennel is a tall perennial herb from family Apiaceae. Its biological name is Foeniculum vulgare. Other popular names include Florence fennel, Finocchio and Carosella.

It looks like wild tall herb of a size up to 2,5 m. Fennel has deep green hollow stem, feather-like thing and long leaves, its little yellow flowers are set in nice umbels, that will turn into the dark brown seeds. Fennel has a strong odor that reminds that of Anise, but stronger and sweeter. You can smell it near the herb, or if you touch the leaves or flowers, or crush the seeds.


Fennel comes from Southern Europe, but now is spread all over the world in areas of similar climate: southern Asia, Canada, United States, Australia, Iran, and some other countries.

Fennel prefers hot, full day sun. It can grow in moist or dry soil (it needs some water only in the beginning of its growth, after it Fennel can tolerate long absence of water). You can see Fennel along roadsides, near coasts of see or banks of river, in the fields or somebody’s gardens.

Parts Used

For medical purposes root, leaves and seeds are used (in some cases stem is used as well). The whole plant is used in culinary purposes due to its strong aroma. It adds something unique and piquant to every dish (especially salads, vegetables and seafood).


The most known and popular Fennel products include Fennel liquid seed extract, Fennel oil, dried Fennel and Fennel in capsules. Fennel in tinctures is also available on the market. Fennel Tea and Fennel water is made from fresh or dried leaves (or seeds) and are very effective herbal remedies. Syrup is also used in herbal medicine. For culinary purposes fresh or dried leaves are used, dried seeds are used mainly for liquid dishes (soups, sauces, etc.).


Fennel is known as antispasmodic, antimicrobial, diuretic and stimulant. It has very useful constituents that make the herb effective in treating various ailments. They smooth muscles in the body, ease spasms, kill germs, and act as a phytoestrogen (thus simulating the effects of estrogen) in the body.

Health Benefits

Fennel is used in numerous conditions and ailments.

  • For skin – it is applied to skin in different skin disorders.
  • For eyes – in case of conjunctivitis and blepharitis; Fennel water or tea cleanse the eyes very well (you can apply it to the eye in tampon or just drop the liquid into your eye in direction from ear to nose).
  • For mouth and throat infection and viruses – Fennel mouthwash is used for gum disease, Fennel tea is used in case of sore throats.
  • In case of coughs and bronchitis – Fennel oil can be applied to the chest or you can drink Fennel tea (tree times a day of more, if it is a combined herb tea). Oil is made from the crushed seeds, tea – from crushed seeds (or dried leaves) and hot water. Tea is very effective in loosing phlegm in the bronchial passages, thus easing symptoms of bronchitis and coughs. For that reason tea is rather popular in treating chronic coughs in children.
  • In case of problems in digestive system – Fennel relieves digestive tract cramping and spasms. In Ukraine and Russia it is extremely famous for treating infant colic and other digestive upsets. In other countries it is successfully used to treat indigestion, gas pains, and irritable bowel syndrome as well. As an antispasmodic it relaxes other smooth muscles in the body as well (Fennel is used to smooth muscles in uterus in pregnant women).
  • For urinary disorders the root is used.
  • For lactation – Fennel is generally used for any kind of hormonal imbalance in women, not only as a milk production stimulant. As an herb it makes Fennel very important in breastfeeding period, when no medications are advisable (look up Teas for Breastfeeding). Among other benefits are stimulating menstruation (it will not actually bring menstruation, but also will ease the PMS symptoms) and libido enhancer (using Fennel in different available products may eventually lead to the increased sex drive).
  • As a diuretic it is also used in different health diet plans as it helps to loose weight – mainly due to the ability of suppressing appetite and reducing water retention.

Fennel is also commonly used for aromatherapy; it is believed that the aroma of the herb will promote strength and gives energy to your body. Fennel is also added to different medicines as a flavor.

Rehmannia and its Multiple Benefits

Biological Description

Rehmannia(Rehmannia Glutinosa) is the name that unites the genus of six flowering species in the Lamiales order, although the plant doesn’t belong to any of the families due to particular molecular structure. Although, some classifications attribute it to the Scrophulariaceae family. This perennial herb is native to the East – Korea, China, and Japan. Its origin defined its place in the Oriental herbal medicine where it is one of the 50 basic herbs used in blends and individually. The plant is known as dìhuáng (earth yellow) in Chinese medicine. Rehmannia is recognized by the bell-shaped flowers of yellowish or reddish-violet color and leaves growing close to the ground. The plant usually grows up to 15-30 cm. In the USA it is cultivated for ornamental uses, while in the Eastern herbal medicine it is used as a herbal remedy.


Rehmannia grows best in the temperate regions and favors medium sun and sandy, loamy, well-drained soils, especially in the first years of growth. Matured, it can be rather drought and frost tolerant plant, surviving up to -25°C (provided the flowers are dry so they do not rot). The flowering period is April through June, whereas the seeds appear in March and ripen till July.

Parts Used

Root of the plant is the major source of beneficial compounds in the rehmannia. It is used fresh, dried or processed into herbal preparations. Leaves serve as a topical application for skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema. Other than for decorative purposes, the use of the rehmannia flowers is not known.


As a rule, rehmannia root is sold in capsules, tablets, dried extracts, and powder. Rehmannia is a compound of a variety of herbal blends and formulas, such as those for female health enhancement, in particular.


Rich in amino acids,Vitamins (A, B, C), cerebroside, melittoside, dammelittoside, and rehmaglitin, rehmannia is known as anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal herb. It is also known as a blood tonic and purifier – thanks to its astringent properties provided by the chemical content. The rich sweet starchy content of the rhizome has been used in Chinese herbal medicine as a cloying agent – improving the function of the liver and digestion (by stimulating bloating and gas). Other benefits associated with rehmannia include anti-hepatotoxic, anti-rheumatic, anti-eczema, diuretic, hypoglycemic, laxative and cardiotonic actions.

Iridoid glycosides are the major constituents in the root. They stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory hormones and work well in treating conditions associated with hormone deficiencies.

Health Benefits

Rehmannia is majorly associated with adrenal gland and kidney conditions. It decreases adrenal suppression of steroid hormones and works well against autoimmune disorders (fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis).

Restorative properties of rehmannia have been known for centuries in Chinese herbal medicine. Today, it is commonly used in the patients with broken bones – for repairing damaged center, broken bones, and enhancing the regeneration of muscles and tissues.

The vitamin content make rehmania an effective remedy for fever and colds, inflammation and dizziness.

Women with severe PMS and menstrual disorder symptoms will find rehmannia helpful for the major troubles of the condition. Its action stimulates hormonal balance, reduces bleeding, relieves anemia, headaches, and regulates menstrual cycle.

Astringent properties of Rehmannia make it useful in treating external and internal bleeding – it stops blood in ulcers, wounds, nasal and vaginal bleeding. Moreover, the herb will purify the blood and reduce the pressure in it.

Chinese herbalist use rehmannia as multi-purpose tonic. Its action improves kidney function, urinary tract health (especially in men), cardiovascular system and cholesterol levels, blood circulation, digestion, deafness, vertigo and sexual health. Tonic properties make rehmannia an anti-aging herb. The animal study was based on controlling life extending effects of the herb and used old rats. Those that were associated with rehmannia usage showed an increased stamina and moved more on the running-wheel as compared to those that did not consume the herb.

When applied to skin, rehmannia treats eczema, psoriasis, wounds and cuts.

Preagnant or breastfeeding women should not use rehmannia. Some rare side effects include bloating, nausea, and loose bowel movements.

Chronic Fatigue and Herbal Remedies

Fatigue is common. Feeling of tiredness and lack of energy from work or stress is experience now and then systematically. And it is comparatively normal. But when your fatigue comes on suddenly and then goes, sometimes stops or never stops; when you are not able to do normal activities and get extremely tired like that – you most probably have a fatigue syndrome (or chronic fatigue).


Chronic fatigue is a condition of prolonged and severe tiredness or weariness (fatigue) that is not relieved by rest (for example with a few good nights of sleep) and is not directly caused by other conditions or situations. This condition is unexplained and persistent, and slowly reduces your activity levels.

For some reason chronic fatigue “prefers’ more female gender, as it is diagnosed two to four times more often in women than in men. It may be explained with biological, psychological, and social influences or just with the fact that women are more likely than men to talk with their doctors about prolonged fatigue.


Fatigue symptoms may suddenly come and go frequently for more than six months or just don’t go at all. They are very much similar to those of most common viral infections. You may experience the following symptoms:

Fatigue or tiredness – of ‘new kind’ that you’ve never experienced to this extent before;

·  the episodes repeat or last for 6 months

·  bed rest doesn’t improve the situation

Inability to do your daily activities

·  you get tired faster that before the condition

·  your tiredness and lack of energy is severe enough to restrict activity

Some other symptoms include:

  • Muscle weakness (all over or multiple locations, not explained by any known disorder)
  • Headaches (different from previous headaches in quality and severity)
  • Joint pain without joint swelling or redness (often moving from joint to joint)
  • Muscle aches (myalgias)
  • Mild fever (38 C or less)
  • Tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpit
  • Forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, confusion, or irritability
  • Mental fatigue (brain fog)
  • Recurrent sore throat
  • Recurrent flu-like symptoms
  • Feeling unrefreshed after sleeping 8-10 hours
  • Desire to sleep
  • Fatigue lasting more than 24 hours after an amount of exercise (that were normally tolerated before)
  • Feeling of apathy (indifference toward fun or interesting activity)
  • New sensitivities to food or medications, or chemicals
  • Possible cognitive or sensory overload (e.g. photophobia and hypersensitivity to noise or emotional overload that may lead to anxiety)
  • Even such symptoms as nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, urinary frequency and bladder dysfunction, difficulty breathing or pain on breathing

20-60% of all cases of fatigue syndrome are due to the physical causes. Emotional causes give 40 to 80% of all cases.


The exact cause of chronic fatigue is unknown, though the symptoms are clearly seen. Some reasons may include:

·  Some researchers suspect it may be caused by a virus, for example by HHV-6 (human herpes virus-6) or Epstein-Barr virus.

·  It may occur when a viral illness is complicated by a problem with the body’s immune response

·   It may be caused by inflammation of pathways in the nervous system (inflammation may be some sort of immune response or process)

·  Such factors as age, prior illness, stress, environment, or genetics may increase the risk to get the chronic fatigue

People report that the illness started after some disease or during a period of high stress. Others state that the syndrome develops more gradually with no clear event starting it.

Health experts suggest the following reasons for the chronic fatigue:

  • Anemia (or iron-poor blood)
  • Yeast infection in the body (candidiasis)
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • Environmental allergy

Medical Approaches

First of all, doctor should consider every known possible causes of fatigue, and make sure that fatigue itself is not a symptom of some illness or condition. He would probably diagnose the possibility of tumors, infections, immune or autoimmune disorders, endocrine diseases, muscle or nerve diseases, psychological (or psychiatric) illnesses, and some others; also the possibility of drug dependence.

If there is no other cause of fatigue, and you experience the condition for long period of time and have at least 4 of the listed symptoms – you may have a chronic fatigue. If it appears to be a fatigue syndrome (or chronic fatigue, or chronic fatigue syndrome), next challenge for the doctor is to define the reason, or the cause of the problem. Then doctor defines the treatment.

Currently there is no treatment that has been proven to be effective in treating chronic fatigue. Though the symptoms are treated and the person may feel better.

The following treatment may be suggested:

  • Antiviral drugs (such as acyclovir)
  • Drugs to fight yeast infections in the body (such as nystatin)
  • Medications to treat depression (antidepressant drugs)
  • Medications to reduce pain, discomfort, and fever – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) – to treat body aches or fever
  • Medications to treat anxiety
  • Nonsedating antihistamines – relieve any prominent allergic symptoms (for example, runny nose)

Mind, that medications can cause side effects that may be worse than the original symptoms of chronic fatigue. You doctor should control the treatment.

Alternative Approaches

Some other methods can be suggested for treating chronic fatigue:

1.  New life habits

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Active social lives
  • Mild physical exercise (without causing more fatigue)
  • Adequate rest
  • Reduce stress, as too much of it can aggravate your symptoms

These all show very good result in treating chronic fatigue.

2.   Vitamins

  1. Vitamin A – helps protect the body against invasion by pathogens such as viruses (which might trigger chronic fatigue syndrome). This vitamin also prevents fatigue caused by anemia (as it is needed for normal production of red blood cells).
  2. Provitamin A (Beta carotene) – is a precursor of vitamin A found in fruits and vegetables. It does not accumulate in the body. It will help to enhance immune function.
  3. Vitamin B Complex. They are easily lost when a person is under stress or is eating unhealthy food. Fatigue and depression can result from the depletion of B vitamins. B 6 is very important in preventing fatigue – it also helps to reduce PMS related mood swings and food cravings.
  4. Vitamin C – according to the research there is a clear relationship between the presence of fatigue and lack of vitamin C. This vitamin helps prevent fatigue caused by infections; it stimulates the production of interferon (that prevents the spread of viruses in the body).
  5. Vitamin E enhances immune antibody response and can act as an estrogen substitute. It si also successfully used in the treatment of fatigue.

3.   Minerals

  1. Iron – an essential component of red blood cells, that combines with protein and copper to make hemoglobin (the pigment of the red blood cells). Iron deficiency is a common cause for fatigue syndrome (especially in women)
  2. Magnesium is an important nutrient for patients with chronic candida infections (one of the cause of chronic fatigue as well).
  3. Zinc improves muscle strength and endurance and enhances immune function. It plays an important role in combating fatigue.
  4. Potassium deficiency has been associated with fatigue and muscular weakness. This mineral regulates the transfer of nutrients into the cells and works with sodium to maintain the body’s water balance.
  5. Calcium is a mineral that helps combat stress, nervous tension, and anxiety.

Before taking any supplements, consult your doctor or a nutritionist with specific questions about their use or possible side effects.

4.  Herbs

Some herbs provide an additional source of essential nutrients that help relax tension and ease anxiety. Others have mild anti-infective and hormonal properties in addition to their nutritional content. That will help to combat fatigue causing viruses, as well as provide support for the endocrine system.

Oat straw, Ginkgo biloba and Dandelion root. All these herbs stimulate and improve energy and vitality. While using them patients may note an increased ability to handle stress. Oat straw has been used to relieve fatigue and weakness, especially when there is an emotional component. Ginkgo biloba is a powerful antioxidant and help to combat fatigue by improving circulation to the brain. It also increases your body’s circulation.

Siberian ginseng (eleutherococcus), Ginger and Licorice root (use with caution) in addition to above mentioned benefits have been used to increase longevity and decrease fatigue and weakness. They are believed to be a powerful immune booster. Ginseng can also strengthen your adrenal glands and thus give you more energy to stay awake.

Anxiety and insomnia very often worsen fatigue symptoms. Passionflower (as well as Valerian root) has a calming and restful effect on the central nervous system. It elevates levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin (amino acid that has been found in numerous medical studies to initiate sleep and decrease awakening). Valerian root and Skullcap has been also used as a sleep inducer. It will help you get to sleep faster, improve your nighttime sleep and help to get a better night’s sleep.

Garlic contains a chemical called ‘allicin’ that is a powerful broad spectrum antibiotic. It helps suppress infections from viruses and candida and protects the cells through its powerful antioxidant effects.

Echinacea is a powerful immune stimulant herb. It helps fight infections by promoting interferon production, and the production of neutrophils (the cells that kill bacteria).

Goldenseal – is also an excellent immune stimulant, which contains a high level of chemical called ‘berberine’. This chemical activates macrophages (cells that destroy bacteria, fungi (candida), and viruses). When combined with Garlic and Echinacea, becomes an effective tool for suppressing infections. Use it every time you suspect you’re getting sick.

Take St. John’s wort every day to prevent viruses from entering your body and causing you more fatigue. St. John’s wort is famous for its strong anti-viral properties.

Use these methods with your doctor in order to get the maximum effects and less harm. And hope you will find the information useful.